HD Soul Session

Mehr als ein Reading

This session is different from a reading, it is more expansive, deeper.

Human Design, Gene Keys, Quantum Physics, the variables - this session is your time with me. We let ourselves be guided, by you, by Ra and my intuition.

If you want to illuminate certain aspects, we will do that gladly, if you want an overview of the story of your chart, very gladly. If you want to discover what is holding you back and want an absolute empowerment pep talk, wonderful.

If it's about your business, an entry, the partnership, it's all connected. Your personal strategy and authority are the core. I am excited to get to know you. To discover you. To strengthen you from within.

Are you ready to unpack your gifts?

HD Soul Session

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Whether you have a specific topic or burning questions about your design, or if you want to learn more about your chart, your strategy, your authority, your profile, your energy flow, the mechanics behind it, the interaction with others, nutrition, your environment, your learning behavior, your motivation, your relationships, or your marketing in business – it's all possible.

We don't need to distinguish between Business Reading, Partnership Reading, or Family Reading.

In the session (90 minutes), we can also look at more than one chart. It's your time with me. We talk about your design, your path, about what moves you and drives you. We look closely at where stress or pressure comes from and how you make the right decision.

What is your strategy and how do you manage to go directly into practical implementation? You will receive a lot of knowledge and wisdom from my perspective and will sometimes say "Ah, I hadn't seen that before."

Suddenly, it becomes possible for YOU too. Because your understanding clears the way and your mindset expands. I will show you many applications for your everyday life and entry. It's not about me telling you what to do or not do, I would never do that. It's about you becoming more mindful, alert, and aware of your life. It's time to remember.

Every human being has wonderful gifts and tools with them on their journey. Are you ready to unpack and use them? We create a space for transformation. The speaking parts are usually 70% me ;-). I want to give you a lot of information, and then we can move on to mentoring.
More information please, Anika


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