HD Soul Session

Mehr als ein Reading

This session is different from a reading, it is more expansive, deeper.

Human Design, Gene Keys, Quantum Physics, the variables - this session is your time with me. We let ourselves be guided, by you, by Ra and my intuition.

If you want to illuminate certain aspects, we will do that gladly, if you want an overview of the story of your chart, very gladly. If you want to discover what is holding you back and want an absolute empowerment pep talk, wonderful.

If it's about your business, an entry, the partnership, it's all connected. Your personal strategy and authority are the core. I am excited to get to know you. To discover you. To strengthen you from within.

Are you ready to unpack your gifts?

HD Soul Session

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Whether you have a specific topic or burning questions about your design, or if you want to learn more about your chart, your strategy, your authority, your profile, your energy flow, the mechanics behind it, the interaction with others, nutrition, your environment, your learning behavior, your motivation, your relationships, or your marketing in business – it's all possible.

We don't need to distinguish between Business Reading, Partnership Reading, or Family Reading.

In the session (90 minutes), we can also look at more than one chart. It's your time with me. We talk about your design, your path, about what moves you and drives you. We look closely at where stress or pressure comes from and how you make the right decision.

What is your strategy and how do you manage to go directly into practical implementation? You will receive a lot of knowledge and wisdom from my perspective and will sometimes say "Ah, I hadn't seen that before."

Suddenly, it becomes possible for YOU too. Because your understanding clears the way and your mindset expands. I will show you many applications for your everyday life and entry. It's not about me telling you what to do or not do, I would never do that. It's about you becoming more mindful, alert, and aware of your life. It's time to remember.

Every human being has wonderful gifts and tools with them on their journey. Are you ready to unpack and use them? We create a space for transformation. The speaking parts are usually 70% me ;-). I want to give you a lot of information, and then we can move on to mentoring.
More information please, Anika


  1. Avatar photo

    Susi R.


    Dear Anika,
    I would like to thank you very much for the Human Design Reading. I am amazed and delighted at how much this applies to me and have been able to take a lot away with me! I would now like to integrate this more into my life and am looking forward to further exchanges with you!
    Best regards

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    Oh yes, it was love at first sight :-*
    Starting with the podcast, when I found your voice so pleasant and warm and above all so young, to our contact on Instagram, to finally end up in our 1:1 session. 🙂
    It was and is a wonderful journey with you, my heart. During our 1:1 session I had so many “aha” moments and even afterwards I had so many wonderful insights.
    It is an incredibly beautiful journey with you and I hope it never ends 🙂
    Anika has her very own way of bringing things closer, not just textbook you are this because this and that is so etc pp…. You understand her language very well (as a Quad Right, that’s saying something :D) I often don’t understand what others are saying 🙂 Not so with Anika.

    If you want to get ahead then you should definitely start here!

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    The session with Anika was a really great eye-opener – a lot of clarity about myself, my strengths, weaknesses and needs. I am very curious to see how all of this will continue to have an effect. Something was definitely initiated – thanks for that, Annika! And the warm and friendly atmosphere was also great – thanks for that too…

  4. Avatar photo

    Sibylle Hegner


    It was beautiful and somehow also emotional…

    Had everything from tension, relaxation, skepticism, goosebumps, laughter to tears in my eyes at the end.

    I have received new impulses for my professional situation and will try them out and report back😊.

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart dear Anika🙏🏻.

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    Yesterday I spontaneously and charmingly heard many exciting things about me and my children from Anika. My curiosity is piqued. With Anika’s help, I would like to embark on a journey to not only learn more about my human design and that of my loved ones, but also to apply it. I feel that this will be my guide in the coming period. I am so inspired by Anika’s stories, her podcasts, her voice and her knowledge of human design.
    If everyone listens to this topic with openness and curiosity, we will soon experience a loving togetherness. I believe in this wonderful future!
    Thank you for accompanying me on my journey, dear Anika!

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    Dear Anika,

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful reading. I am still very touched and everything is still working inside me. Although I have already had readings before and have been dealing with my HD and that of my family for a long time, the reading with Anika brought out many new aspects that give me additional starting points to live even more in harmony with my own energy and to support my family in coming even further into their power.

    Thank you dear Anika for bringing ‘hope’ back into my life ❤️

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    Dear Anika,

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful reading. I am still very touched and everything is still working inside me. Although I have already had readings before and have been dealing with my HD and that of my family for a long time, the reading with Anika brought out many new aspects that give me additional starting points to live even more in harmony with my own energy and to support my family in coming even further into their power.

    Thank you dear Anika for bringing ‘hope’ back into my life 🙂

  8. Avatar photo

    Sibylle Shijana Beer


    Dear Anika🌟

    Your lively and refreshing way of explaining Human Design in relation to me and still listening to me, letting what is important now come to the fore, letting the other be in order to give way to clarity. It’s really great how you do it.

    The recording is also very valuable, which I listened to again with so many AHA’s and will certainly listen to many more times. I marveled not only at your wisdom but also at mine, which you tickled out so gently and yet clearly.

    Thank you so much, you make it wonderful, authentic and BEAUTIFUL🙏🙏🙏🙏.

    All the LOVE 💖


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    Dieter Knecht


    Dear Anika, thank you for your being and for what you accomplish. It’s like I’ve been standing behind a curtain all this time and have now stepped out of the dark into the light ❤️ It’s still a path, of course, but we don’t walk it every day, just now on the right path 🥰 I hug you and thank you for your inspiration. We’ll see and hear from you again, best regards Didi.

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    Dear Anika,
    Thank you for the lovely reading.
    A lot of clarity has emerged, I’m letting it all sink in now.
    Through the reading, I understood that I already implement everything intuitively.
    You reminded me and sometimes it’s important to just be reminded that everything is going and in process.
    I can trust that everything will fall into place, practise patience (not my strong point ;))
    The grass doesn’t grow any faster if you pull on it.
    And yet I wish it could be like that sometimes.
    It was fun to wander through my chart with you, and know that I will be received.
    Be protected, dear soul.

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    I can wholeheartedly recommend Anika! She guided me through my chart with ease and joy and I recognized strengths in myself that I wasn’t even aware of. She has a benevolence, a sensitive and 100 percent presence for her counterpart. I felt recognized and came out of the session with the realization that I am much more than what I think and believe about myself. Thank you, dear Anika 🙂

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    Hey dear Anika ,

    thanks for the great reading with you!
    I’ve listened to your audio several times now and each time I have new insights!

    So much suddenly makes sense to me and I really feel like I’ve made a bit more peace with myself 🥰✌🏻

    At the same time, you have encouraged me to look even more closely at where I am still giving up responsibility and acting out of pure conditioning, which is also so valuable for me 🙏🏻

    You have such a positive and open manner and the conversation was really really great, thank you for this wonderful experience!

    Kind regards

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    Dear human being,

    You have scrolled this far to get a confirmation or even permission to book a reading with Anika.

    I can tell you that there are no coincidences. You have “landed” here with Anika because you are ready.

    You can expect an honest and genuine reading.
    You will be seen and get a comprehensive insight into your design. You find out what’s going on and if you get involved, you can give your life the shift you’re looking for.


    Dear Anika,

    I’ve only had you “on my radar” for a few days and I had no doubts about booking a reading with you. A deep “Mmmmhhh” and goose bumps gave me the go-ahead.

    Today, 24 hours after our call, it’s working inside me. I listen to the recording 3 times to remind myself again and again.

    A wonderful reading, with depth and so real.
    I never had the feeling that I was listening to something memorized. You live it. No feeling of “it’s my job”.

    Thank you for your being.
    Thank you for what you do.
    Thanks for reminding me.

    Greetings from Melmac

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    Dear Anika! It was so wonderful with you! More than a week has passed since our appointment and everything is still having an effect. Through you I really felt in my heart what I had only understood in my head until now. The tears not only flowed during my time with you, but continue to do so now. And they are beautiful tears! It’s just so nice to really feel it! I’m sure I’ll have many more aha moments in the near future! Thank you for you and your work!
    Soooo enriching and recommendable!!!!

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    It was so wonderful. On the one hand, it was eye-opening and on the other, it confirmed what I already felt. It explains so much, provides support and confidence in your own being and your own dynamics. Everything is right, everything has its time. It’s also exciting when I suddenly understand other designs better and can organize the interactions with each other much better. Thank you very, very much. The insights enrich my life. The great way in which Anika is able to translate the content in an understandable way is also wonderful. ❤❤❤

  16. Avatar photo



    Hey Anika♥️
    I would like to tell you briefly about my experience with you and what it has done in my life.
    When I booked the reading with you, I was in a bad mental state. Basically, I wanted to know why I feel this way in certain situations, why I act this way, I just wanted to understand myself better. No sooner said than done & it was the best decision & investment. We had 1.5 hours of fun, tears, funny situations & so much positive energy. You do your passion with so much ease & ♥️.
    I still thank you for that today. Thanks to you & this reading, I now know all the more who I am & what I want. Through you I found my way to photography, I just did it as an MG with zero idea about it & even have successes & a small side income🙌I live out my creativity, am now learning the profession as a media designer. I am also getting better at understanding & applying my authority & strategy in relationships with other people.
    The reading goes deep & yes it works into every single cell, it shakes the system, deep-rooted conditioning & breaks chains.
    Thank you so much for this, thank you for your work & your sein♥️

  17. Avatar photo



    Hello you beautiful soul💫
    I would like to thank you today for your being and the lively experience we were able to have together. In December I received a coupon from my partner, which I redeemed with you in January. I am absolutely thrilled with the potential that was unleashed in me after the Human Design Reading you gave me. Whether it’s my business, my partnership with my wonderful wife or, most importantly, my relationship with myself. It has such a lasting effect on me that I am also going on a journey to support many people with this wonderful tool to find themselves again in many areas of life.
    I was able to let myself go with you thanks to your indescribably relaxed and open manner in which you approached me.
    Like meeting someone you’ve known for ages and spending quality time together.
    I highly recommend everyone to embark on this journey with you. 😊
    Thank you dear Anika 🙏

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    The call with Anika was so incredibly eye-opening! I had a family call together with my mother and my daughters and Anika showed us with a lot of depth AND joy how we harmonize with each other – and where our uniqueness lies. Super exciting and highly recommended!

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