No matter where you are on your journey, whether completely new to this topic or already deeply immersed in many books, you don't need any knowledge about Human Design. However, nothing runs without your birth date, time, and place. You can usually find this information at the registry office. This is not about future predictions, but about your mechanics and energy. And how everything works in your completely individual system. No matter what you already know about yourself or your chart or Human Design, I will share what stands out to me with just one glance at your chart. You will learn a lot about your design in this conversation. It's a mix of keynoting and intuitive impulses. I will speak to you about various aspects such as your type, strategy, conscious sun, environment, the mechanics of your mind, your animal, your profile, your decision-making power. Everything that stands out to me ... money, partnership ... perhaps for business, nutrition, to the incarnation cross, to interaction with others ... there's so much. I trust. The right thing will be transmitted. A wonderful first flow through your genetic fingerprint, which can touch you deeply. Let yourself be carried away and come with me on a round trip on the flying carpet through your design. This voice memo will always be with you and whenever you need a push of self-confidence, want to connect with yourself again, need a decision-making aid, or need a reminder of your strength, just press PLAY. You will always hear something new and different. It's time for your cells to remember. Get ready for a journey through your solar system. AS A GIFT
Since a mini reading is very personal, gifts for people under 14 years old always go directly to the person of the chart. I ask for understanding.
For children between 7 and 14 years old, I speak for about 10 minutes for the child and about 10 minutes for the parents and send the mini reading in two parts.
ENGLISCH Egal wo du gerade bist auf deinem Weg, ob komplett neu bei diesem Thema oder bereits den Kopf in vielen Büchern vergraben, du brauchst keinerlei Kenntnisse über Human Design, jedoch läuft nichts ohne deinen Geburtstag, Zeit und Ort. Beim Standesamt gibt es meistens die Infos.
Es geht hier nicht um Zukunftsvoraussagen, sondern um deine Mechanik und Energie. Und wie alles zusammen funktioniert in deinem ganz individuellen System.
Egal was du schon weisst, über dich oder dein Chart oder Human Design, ich teile mit dir was mir mit erstem Blick auf dein Chart ein- und auffällt. Du wirst in dieser Sprachaufnahme viel über dein Design erfahren. Es ist eine Mischnung aus Keynoting und intuitiven Impulsen.
Ich spreche zu dir über verschiedene Aspekte wie zB dein Typ, die Strategie, deine bewusste Sonne, die Umgebung, über die Mechanik deines Verstandes, dein Tier, dein Profil, deine Entscheidungskraft. Alles, was mir “ins Auge fällt” … Geld, Partnerschaft …. vielleicht zum Business, zur Ernährung, zum Inkarnationskreuz, zur Interaktion mit anderen … es gibt sooo viel. Ich vertraue. Das Richtige wird übermittelt.
Ein wunderbarer erster Flow über deinen genetischen Fingerabdruck, der dich tief berühren kann.
Lass dich entführen und komm mit mir eine Runde auf dem fliegendem Teppich durch dein Design. Dieses Voice Memo hast du immer dabei und wann immer du einen Schub Selbstvertrauen brauchst, dich wieder mit dir verbinden möchtest, eine Entscheidungshilfe, eine Erinnerung an deine Kraft brauchst, drückst du auf PLAY. Du wirst immer wieder etwas Neues und Anderes hören. Es ist Zeit, dass deine Zellen sich erinnern dürfen. Be ready für eine Reise durch dein Sonnensystem.
Da ein Mini Reading sehr persönlich ist, gehen Geschenke ab dem Alter von 14 Jahren immer direkt an die Person des Charts. Ich bitte hier um Verständnis.
Bei Kindern zwischen 7 und 14 Jahren spreche ich ca. 10 minuten für das Kind und ca. 10 minuten für die Eltern auf und sende das Mini Reading in 2 Teilen.
More information please, AnikaOkay, thanks Anika
Kerstin –
Liebe Anika, herzlichen Dank für das tolle Mini-Reading. Ich war ja etwas ungeduldig, sorry for that! Aber das Warten hat sich gelohnt.
Ich finde das Human Design so spannend und kann gar nicht genug davon hören. Jedes Mal entdecke ich neue Perspektiven in meinem Profil und wenn ich wieder etwas Neues lese u/o höre, denke ich mir: “wie, verdammt, funktioniert das, woher weiß sie das?”. Während deinem Reading war ich nur noch am Nicken – es war wirklich unglaublich. Danke für die Erkenntnisse, tollen Impulse und für deine Gabe.
Ich kann es jedem weiterempfehlen.
DANKE, Anika!
jenni –
a really great experience to be welcomed and understood like that! I was already familiar with a few points from the mini reading… there were also insights that fell like stones from my heart – it’s an incredible feeling when someone finds the words for feelings in you that you can’t describe yourself. One sentence in Anika’s email particularly touched me and I will continue to carry it in my heart. THANK YOU for your gift!!
Dina –
Dear Anika,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🫶🏼
I feel seen and encouraged. Even with the chart information that I already knew, I was able to gain new insights with your words. Such a valuable experience that I am very grateful for.
Absolute recommendation 🤩🙏
Karolin Schneider-Haaser –
Dear Anika, really amazing! How you do it. Thank you very much for these inspiring 20 minutes. I laughed and I cried. Had “aha yes that’s right” moments and definite “finally someone recognizes that about me” moments. I’ve been doing HumanDesign research for 1.5 years and realized that you approach it completely differently. 😻 I love it…and recommend it 100%. It’s like if I had ordered a travel guide from Madeira…buy the book and read it – it’s nice…get a MiniReading from Anika and suddenly love the “muck” in every corner sooooo much, because you take me through “Madeira”. As if I were holding your hand and you were saying… “look there…a waterfall” and “look there, a delicious restaurant” and suddenly I feel what I had only guessed before. Suddenly I have a spoonful of noodles in my mouth and taste exactly what was described in the guidebook! Thank you 🙏🏼 you are such a great enrichment in my life!
Julika –
If you love Anika’s podcast, enjoy listening to her voice and appreciate her wonderful perspective on life, I wholeheartedly recommend you treat yourself to one of her mini-readings. It’s like a private podcast episode just for you – about you.
I am full of gratitude that I will always have this wonderful recording with me from now on and can be sure that I will be able to make new connections with every listen. A priceless gift. I already have so many ideas that I want to continue thinking and feeling about.
Anika’s offers are an invitation to ENCOUNTER, not a service.
You ENCOUNTER her as a person, not as a customer.
She MEETS you at eye level, she is with you in the experiment, stands on the practice mat herself, invites you to join in and gives you gentle hints for your own scavenger hunt.
Thank you Anika for your being and for your gift to touch people with your voice, your words and your perspective!
Franziska –
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the beautiful MINI Reading – I am deeply touched! 💚 At the same time, I can’t really describe how I feel with all this information – perhaps…simply overwhelmed…recognized…curious about certain aspects that I want to live even more…I think the best thing is that the longer I deal with HD, the more I feel strengthened in my personality and the more I develop a deep trust in myself and my personality and thus also have (even) more courage to actually live myself as I am….your MINI Reading has once again contributed a big step towards this. Thank you for that 🌷🙏🌸.
Rosa –
I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything so unromantic about myself 😀
but in an absolutely positive sense!
Because it was a bit of a tweak at the beginning and things were triggered that I hadn’t really questioned before (and that happens very rarely :D)
I was very skeptical at first, but when I listened to it again, I recognized exactly the connections!
One of the best presents I have ever given myself!
Absolute recommendation 😊✨
Stefan –
Dear Annika,
My wife gave me the Mini-Reading 6 months ago and I listened to it for the second time today. We never spoke to each other until today and I thought to myself at the time, “let’s see what happens”. I would therefore describe myself as spiritually open, emotionally stable, but still skeptical. Even when I listened to it for the first time, I thought to myself, I’ll listen to it again in a few months and see how it affects me then. Well, what can I say…
For me, the reading is a serious, individual and profound description in which I really recognized myself. Thank you for this experience! It encourages me to follow my intuition and continue on my path. All the best for you!
Celina –
I got my mini-reading from Anika some time ago and still listen to it regularly and have probably listened to it about 100 times.
A wonderful introduction to the topic of human design 😍 I learned so much about myself and was able to better understand the characteristics that have always accompanied me. I feel caught, recognized, noticed and appreciated in so many places 💜
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work dear Anika 💜😘
Alina –
A skeptic was surprised and convinced, the life and being of a child was finally better understood by the parents and a projector finally gained more understanding of his generator family.
With three mini readings that I gave away, my family and I were able to find so many key moments thanks to Anika. It was magical, tears flowed and even Grandma wants to express her endless gratitude.
Many thanks to Anika for the incredible insights among us and the love that was able to grow even more within the family thanks to the voice messages. We say: WOW! <333
Will I give away more mini-readings? Definitely!!!
Janina dS –
Dear Anika,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the energetic mini-reading!
You radiate such power, it goes straight to the heart!
I felt very seen and understood and am looking forward to delving deeper into my design.
Check will listen to the reading again and again and use it as a power talk and personal motivation to live my design.
THANK YOU 💜 (purple is my turquoise 😉)
Doris –
I listen to my Mini Reading almost every day! It strengthens me, confirms what I have felt for a long time and makes me smile. Yes, it really is like that, I feel like I’m seen that way and also ertappt☺️! And what a relief…ahhh that’s a lot of pressure coming off!
There are so many aspects included that I can finally really work with!!!
I could listen to your voice forever, Anika! You do it with so much heart, power and empathy! I am very grateful to you for that💕!!!
Evelyn –
Such a wonderful reading – I felt so recognized and understood, and also better understood myself. I am now a little further on the way to finding myself again, which I am very happy about. Above all, I am curious to see what else can be revealed.
Thank you very much for this sensitive, emotional reading, I was very touched. I am very happy to continue on this path with you, dear Anika ☀️💜🥰
Kerstin –
My heart is still pounding……
Guys, treat yourselves to these 20 minutes. They are simply beautiful.
In-depth, sensitive and true, Anika captures the essence of what is important and what makes you tick.
Alina –
I knew that something great was coming my way. But I would never have expected 20 minutes to blow me away like that.
The time when the message reached me. And the content had such a hold on me that I cried like a little child for the full 20 minutes. Every word touched me so deeply that I let it affect me with continuous tears of joy. I will definitely listen to this more than once. This voice memo is worth its weight in gold.
Thank you so much, dear Anika. As well as you think you know yourself, Anika knows you better! 😀 No seriously, this mini-reading is definitely worth it. It was the perfect time.
And your perfect time is certainly already waiting for you. <3
ZuZu –
Speechless….simply WOW!!!
I received the Mini Reading as a gift and am simply fascinated.
Everything that was said was so familiar to me but gave me a very clear vision & perspective about myself and my life. Where I am right now but what I have to hear again and again. It was timeless, topical, emotional & empowering!
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful energy, your professionalism and I have already recommended you to others!
Highly recommended!!!
Sarah –
Wow… I have just listened to the message twice.
It’s as if you were a little fairy who has been sitting on my shoulder all my life and is now telling me what she has seen. 🙂
Thank you for reminding me that I don’t have to give up, but that I can start something new.
I would like to thank you very much and will be very happy to recommend you 🙂