My Story

“Anika, when you hit 30, chill the champagne, it gets better and better!” an experienced reader once told me a few years ago. Now I know! It is the story of a 6th line, a conscious 6th line. We are late bloomers.

It’s about time. So much adventure, so much tried out. One night was never enough to process the day. Or vice versa!

Growing up in a sheltered village, I went to Cologne for hotel training, then on through advertising agencies and around the world.

One of the happiest moments of my life was moving into my first apartment! FREEDOM!
Saturn told me loud and clear: “Anika, take responsibility”. Courageous gut decisions followed, such as ending a long-term relationship, registering my own business and buying a condominium. This was followed by a freelance event project management career for well-known agencies and companies at international locations worldwide …
and then … an emptiness arose despite a full calendar, colorful days, business class flights, …
The greatest thing I have done for others is to deal with myself!

My Story

and then came Human Design
well before that first came India. This country held up a big mirror to me and a rollercoaster ride began. I was often amazed, because I had no choice, I had to let go of so much and that was the only way I could have that basic trust, trust in people, in timing, in myself again. Somersaults, headstands, rollercoaster rides, miracles, the impossible, secrets, loss, despair, death, love, fun, lightness and a whole new sense of what freedom means to me …
and then … then came Human Design .

On a stormy monsoon night, lightning struck and HD crashed into my life. Perfect timing. I understood that I had to go through all these experiences before and have always lived my design. This knowledge was the soothing confirmation for my mind and I was able to get more and more involved in this experiment. After a few years, I’m right in the middle of it. Every day. Every moment.
Step by step.
has taught me how to work.
has taught me how to be patient.
has taught me how to enjoy.
has taught me how to let go.
has taught me how to trust.
has taught me how to let myself be.

My chart – my filter

My head center is completely open – I see potential and share inspiration. Anything is possible – for me, for you, for us.
A storyteller with the voices of “I remember” (gate 33) and “I believe” (gate 56). This is how I share my experiences and thoughts.
My sacral is unconsciously defined. The more mindfully I connect with my belly voice, the more powerful it becomes. My gut knows so much more than my mind can ever imagine.
My defined centers give you security. My openness (heart/ego, head, SP) reflects you and so I hold the space for you to unfold.
My PLRDLL variables allow a focused, active vision. Through activations in my chart of 7 x 6th line and 7 x 3rd line I share wisdom from integration. My environment is the natural coast (see below).

My Solar Plexus Center is completely open. Since I’ve learned to differentiate my emotions from those of others, I can hold other people emotionally. I feel you without making your feelings mine.
The Left Cross of upheaval – I bring chaos and rethinking. And that is important for reorganization. Everything from the beginning.
Transformation & Adaptation. Again and again.
As a triple split and with exclusively collective channels, I am here to share my experiences with the world.

Today I have 3 pillows all across the world.

That search for “my place” stopped when I learned that I wasn’t designed to be tied to one place. I can be “at home” in several countries at the same time. As I began to accept this, to trust life, to let it do its thing, anchors were set in these following 3 places:
Rome, Italy
Home is Rome. There is no place that balances and combines tradition and roots with inspiration and progress – for me. Here I can nourish myself on the trinity level: body (I love caprese), mind (my active mind never gets bored) and soul (if feel i can just be here. La dolce far niente is a great art of being I am learning more and more.
Goa, India
Home is India. I have been going to the school of life here for almost 10 years. A place that never ceases to amaze me and make me grow.
This is where my conscious human design experimentation began in a very powerful way. All of Ra Uru Hu’s knowledge reached me here so that I can now pass it on.
India is spirit for me.
Gili Air
Gili Air, Indonesia
Home is Gili Air.
A car-free island with 5.4 km of coastline.
Isn’t that boring, Anika? Never, it is my soft nest to heal, to live the beauty and to relax. For me, this island reflects the natural laws of the universe.
The whole universe on one island.
If you look deeper, you can never get bored.

My Journey

Knowledge & Wisdom
Ra Uru Hu – among others:
Magic Island Retreat, PHS, Variables,
Money – 64 ways, A Ra’s Tale of Things to come, From Left to Right
The Wa, The Gates of Fear, Clown, Fool & Idiot, Health-S3X by Profile,
Mechanics of our Connections, Generator Book, Type & Profiles, Relationships,
Love and the Not-Self, The Program, A sacral being, and many more.
The audios of Ra Uru Hu reached me in India
in a highly guided way and since 2021 have been the
basis of my knowledge. Countless hours, days, years
who educate me on a daily basis.

Genoa Bliven Open Center Course
online (Human Design America)

Gene Key Paths with Richard Rudd
online courses
Living your Design Course
Ra Uru Hu, online
PTL 1, Analyst Training
Teachings by Mary Ann Wininger
(zoom) Generator, Zoom Talk, Global Cycles
PTL 1, Analyst Training
Rave Cartography
Psychology & Counseling
Cogito, Praveen Singh, India
Living your Design Course
International HD School, USA
Certified Quantum Human Design Analyst (Level 1,2,3)
Karen Curry Parker, USA
Kinesiology, muscle testing,
Stress relief methods (Level 1,2,3)

2019 – 2016
Yoga Teacher Trainings (over 800 hours in total)
Vinyasa, Kundalini, Yin, Ashtanga, Hatha
Chakra Balancing Training, Reiki 1+2
Ayurvedic Yoga Massage
taught at YTT
Live Teachings of H.H. Dalai Lama
Foundation and management of Cafe/Yogashala/Boutique, India
before 2015
Hotel manageress
Specialist for marketing and event management
countless projects worldwide for well-known companies in the automotive, pharmaceutical, fashion and advertising industries.
In 2021, an interesting interview with me was published in the online magazine happinez. Feel free to take a look.
In 2024 my story was published in the magazin Instant Karma Mag online and printed in Bali.
Mini Reading

Mini Reading

Start your journey here and now
Regardless of what you know about Human Design, your chart, about YOU, I share with you my knowledge, my perspective, my insights on your chart. Without knowing you or anything about your life, you get an intuitive flow through your mechanics and your energetic natural flow.

You will have this Self-Love to go in your pocket and listen to it again and again.

This is also a wonderful gift or a special way to get to know your children. A very soft and gentle start into this field …
Please contact me for interviews, collaborations and other ideas
Send me an email to