Change your

1:1 Mentoring

Anika, can you walk with me for a while?
You have already experienced one or more readings and would like support in your everyday life in order to break patterns, broaden perspectives and strengthen confidence. A conversation about a situation in the office, at the dining table or in bed can quickly bring lightness and thus change your entire frequency. It's fun to approach things in a new way, to experiment.
You get a completely different perspective which sheds a new light on challenges and your way of seeing things.

"7 years" … said Ra! 7 years until the cells have accepted something new. Let's get started.

I offer 3 booking options. Let me know if you have questions.

250,00 1.111,00 

ENGLISCH “So habe ich das ja noch gar nicht gesehen!”
Oh yes, denn ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst.
Es muss nicht lange dauern, es darf leicht sein und Spass machen.
Ich bin hier, um dir neue Möglichkeiten und Perspektiven zu zeigen.
1 Call = 60 minuten (zoom mit Blick auf dein Chart)


Weisst du nicht so recht, wie es weiter geht? Oder wohin? Oder mit wem?
Hast du vielleicht das Vertrauen verloren auf dem Weg. In Menschen, an Orten, in das Leben, in dich selbst?
I have been there. Ich bin einige Male von der Couch geschubst worden und hart auf den Boden der Tatsachen geknallt.
Jetzt weiss ich: Es darf wirklich leicht sein – oft geht es darum, es dir zu erlauben.

Wenn wir mit unserem Trouble in den Einklang kommen, statt im Widerstand gegen uns selbst zu kämpfen, löst sich vieles "von allein". Denn der grosse Stolperstein sind oft wir selbst, wenn du mal ehrlich bist.

Eine neue Sichtweise aus meiner Erfahrung und mit meinem Wissen des Human Design und den Gene Keys über deine Talente, deine Mechanik, deine Frequenz kann einen grossen Shift bewirken. Ich durfte es bereits erleben.

Mein Angebot an dich ist so flexibel wie ich, es gibt keinen langen Wartezeiten und ist oft sehr spontan möglich.
Nicht, weil ich nichts zu tun habe, sondern weil ich Raum lasse, nicht viel plane.
Und dann ist das Timing absolut korrekt.

Nimm meine Hand und komm mit auf die andere Seite. Ist schön hier!
Einzelsession, 3er oder 6er Karten – wie Eintrittskarten im Yogastudio – über einen gewissen Zeitraum einzulösen (ich bevorzuge video, aber voice ist auch möglich). Ich werde dein Chart immer dabei haben, um parallel noch tiefer zu verstehen, was DICH motiviert, wie DU designed bist, wie DU Entscheidungen triffst und was Konditionierung bei DIR sein könnte.

Mehr Infos bitte, Anika


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    Renate Samson


    I (Reflector 4/1) have just experienced a change of perspective with Anika. In a really difficult situation for me, in which I no longer knew which direction I should/was allowed to go, she showed me what it means to change my perspective. In an incredibly sensitive, positive way, coupled with so much knowledge of human design that comes from the heart and lived experiences, she has opened a new door.
    I was given the gift of courage.
    And really new perspectives.
    And reinforcement.
    And I was able to feel deeply that community is everywhere and at the same time that I can find community within myself.
    Anika is lived human design paired with joy, experience, courage and empathy.
    Whoever comes to a point where support would be helpful: Here it is, Anika. Give yourself a gift and it’s worth so much.
    It feels like the beginning of a new path on which I would be happy to be accompanied by you, dear Anika.
    Thanks again. I am touched and seen.

    ps….. go make popcorn now… need lots of it for tomorrow :*

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    I have now immersed myself in my human design cosmos with Anika for the third time. Incredibly light, empowering and positive, I was able to look at areas of my life through Anika’s non-judgmental, brightly colored HD glasses, see them from different perspectives and, above all, say “YES” to many things within me. When working together, there was an immediate feeling of familiarity and acceptance. These meetings illuminate, facilitate and reveal new paths. How wonderful that I was able to get to know you and your work and also look at aspects of myself in a new and loving way! Merci <3
    PS: And – thanks Anika for my new friend the inner bat!

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    I had my change of perspective with Anika today and I’m super happy about it. I finally understood what it means to be an emotional projector waiting for invitations or looking out for them. Anika has given space to all important topics, has truly given me the gifts of my open centers in relation to my business and the special quality of my 23. A thousand thanks for that Anika. You are great!

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    Verena Klangkörperin❤️


    Hmmm….Perspective change to my diet. MG, sound body and so many wonderful impulses that gave me goose bumps. A sure sign, my sacral is on, something is right for me from the depths.
    I am right and yes, even my eating habits, which are “strange” for those around me, are right for me. So so beautiful!
    Also suitable for those of you who, like me, have so far worked/lived less with their design and chart.
    A thousand thanks Anika m. I am touched🙏

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    For me as a projector 4/6, “Next Level” – Human Design was a closed book that I couldn’t open for a long time. Anika gave me the key and gave me the self-empowerment I had been looking for for so long. With ease and love. It’s not about learning, it’s about living and Anika is representative of that. Because she lives, she loves, she IS. Thank you for your energy.

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    I only got to know human design relatively recently. Pretty quickly, fate led me straight to Anika.
    I haven’t been able to get away from it since.

    When you think you can’t do anything anymore, a light comes from Anika….it really is like that.

    Two inputs from you my dear and you see everything from a different perspective. And the great thing about it is that it is stored in your memory and you can use it again in so many other situations.

    Change your perspective, start observing, let everything run as a generator for the time being and only react when the timing is right…
    There was sooo much valuable input and in absolutely no time at all. Really…

    I can only recommend everyone to listen, listen and let Anika wake you up.

    I am convinced that it works. And there is still hope that all is well that is.

    Thank you Anika from the bottom of my heart for everything you have given me so far.

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    I had 10 conversations with Anika and it was sooo good! She quickly recognized my patterns, lovingly pointed them out to me and said: “I’ll hold you until you can hold yourself.” And that’s exactly what happened. I now know much better what my sacral belly voice feels like and actually already know what Anika’s answer would be when I have another question: What does the sacral say? What is correct? – And the fact that we went so deeply into it together gave me more confidence in myself.
    In the end, I realized that I didn’t really need any more sessions with Anika. I can integrate all that first. BUT this feeling of being held, understood and safe, where I was allowed to be myself, has carried me so much through the last few months that this was certainly not my last booking with her.
    Thank you Anika for the last three months, your energy, your knowledge and being a role model!

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